Conference: CASCON-Evoke
Date: November 23
Authors: Michelle Alexopoulos, Kelly Lyons, University of Toronto

Toward understanding the COVID-19 impact on Data Science Innovation in Canada
Data science provides methods to understand and solve problems in an evidence-based manner by combining data and experience with scientific methods. When included with advances in robotic technologies, telecommunication technologies and internet coverage (digitally enabling infrastructure), and computer hardware, data science creates a host of “digital technologies” expected to bring value to business, government, and individuals. Recent adoption and development of these innovations have been affected by the pandemic, even as COVID-19 sped up the move to online activities from shopping to working at home. In this paper, analyze trends and changes to understand the levels of disruption from COVID-19 on the data science innovation ecosystem. We consider three phases of innovation: early-stage research and development; late-stage research and development; and commercialization and diffusion. We show that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on innovation in data science across the phases of innovation to varying degrees; however, our analysis suggests a return to previous growth may be expected in the short term should the economy continue to improve. These findings suggest that researchers and practitioners should be prepared to take advantage of this return in growth to invest in early stage R\&D, to build research programs in data science, and to find ways to commercialize and adopt data science innovations. Our research also identifies the need for coordinated efforts to make current and up-to-date data for tracking innovation impacts available.

Conference: CASCON-Evoke
Date: November 24, 2021
Time: 12:30 to 1:00pm Eastern Time
Workshop: What will the transition to digital economy look like? Exploring future Skills, Jobs, and policies needed Post COVID
Organizers: Michelle Alexopoulos, Kelly Lyons, Aije Egwaikhide
Panelists: Wendy Cukier, Arvind Gupta, Uptal Mangla, Matthias Oschinski, Rosalie Wynoch.

Conference: ISTAS21
Date: October 30, 2021
Time: 3pm to 4:30pm
Session: ISTAS21 Papers (12): Regulating and Protecting Online Spaces
Authors: Michelle Alexopoulos, Kelly Lyons, Keli Chiu and Kaushar Mahetaji, University of Toronto

Evaluating the Disruption of COVID-19 on Artificial Intelligence Innovation using Patent Filings
In this paper, we explore the impact of COVID-19 on innovation in artificial intelligence (AI) to better understand future effects on economic growth and productivity. Using patents as a measure of innovation and knowledge production, we analyze monthly patent application filing data from January 2015 to June 2021 to compare and assess trends. Based on this research, we propose a novel approach for examining existing and up-to-date publicly available patent filing data and use that method to gain new insights into the pandemic’s effects on AI-related innovation.

Date: WEDNESDAY MAY 5, 2021
Panel Discussion Title: Economy after the Pandemic

I discussed the impact of Covid-19 on the transition to the Digital Economy in Canada and what the changes may mean for productivity and labour markets.